Affiliated to the
Smoking, Consumption of alcoholic beverage, consumption of drugs, chewing of gum, pan, etc. are strictly prohibited inside the campus.
All the properties of TSRDAM must be handled with care. In case of damage of institute property, the students will be charged for the same.
Telephone at TSRDAM is meant by only for official purpose and not for personal calls of students. Only in case of dire emergency, incoming call will be allowed.
Use of mobiles by the students inside institute premises is strictly prohibited.
Students are required to attend classes, internships, and other institute activities on time. Habitual latecomers may face disciplinary action.
All the students are required to wear their uniform in a neat and appropriate manner. Wearing casual or inappropriate attire, is prohibited, as it does not align with the professional environment TSRDAM aims to maintain.
All the students are expected to show respect toward faculty members, administrative staff, and other employees of TSRDAM. Disrespectful behaviour or arguments, will not be entertained and may result in suspension or expulsion from the institute.
Ragging is strictly prohibited on the TSRDAM campus, in hostels, during internships, or any other institute-related activities. Any form of physical or mental harassment, bullying, or teasing of students will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
TSRDAM has a zero-tolerance policy toward any kind of sexual harassment. Any inappropriate behaviour, comments, or actions that violate a person’s dignity will be dealt with seriously.
In all matters involving discipline/disciplinary action, the decision of the management is final and binding to all students.